Terra Preta Educational Videos
Follow our educational video series to learn how to make your own biochar, how to make enriched biochar and much more.
Making Biochar with Kon-Tiki Kiln
This is an exceptionally good, practical demonstration how to make Biochar in a KON-TIKI-Kiln. The detailed video was shared from SE Canada and can be of interest for anyone keen to learn and observe.
Superbly recorded and explained.
For the beginner and every interested person.
Using the KON TIKI TAS COMPACT Deep Cone Kiln
Using the KON TIKI TAS STANDARD Deep Cone Kiln
Using the KON TIKI TAS STRETCH Deep Cone Kiln
Part 1
KON TIKI TAS STRETCH Deep Cone Kiln – unloading with the forklift from the trailer
Part 2
Unloading the STRETCH biochar Kiln onto pallets
Part 3
Lifting the STRETCH biochar Kiln off the pallets
Carbonising Long Branches
Carbonizing long branches in a community based KON-TIKI-TAS STRETCH Deep Cone Kiln. Any feedstock smaller than firewood can be used to make Biochar – small tree branches, rose + blackberry prunings, prunings from fruit trees, even gorse, only to name a few. Ideally this will burn between 500 and 700 degrees without smoke whilst branches are being added onto the top pile in the kiln to keep the fire going. As you can see a clean orange flame without smoke indicates a temperature of about 700 degrees.
Video 1
Learn how biochar is made (14 sec)
Video 2
Find out how to make nutrient enriched biochar (2 min)
Video 3
Moving the Kiln to a new burn pile.
This KON-TIKI-TAS STANDARD sized Deep Cone Kiln is based on a heavy duty skid frame and enables the operator to move from one burnpile to the next – Upcycling of annual vineyard prunings in Rosevears Tasmania and using the liquid manure in the 1000L container on the tray of the ute for quenching.