A Day of Learning and Community: The Biochar Workshop in Hillwood

On a sunny day in Hillwood, our community gathered for a highly anticipated event: the Biochar Workshop. Hosted in a beautiful outdoor setting, the workshop combined education, hands-on experience, and delightful communal activities. The day was filled with exciting demonstrations, expert insights, and delicious food, all centered around the innovative K-T-T kilns. Here’s a recap of the memorable day, highlighted by some key moments captured in photos.

Innovation in Action: K-T-T Kilns at Work

K-T-T COMPACT with Heat and Wind Shield

The day began with an introduction to the K-T-T COMPACT kiln, equipped with a heat and wind shield. This feature is essential for maintaining consistent temperatures and protecting the kiln from external elements. The kiln was showcased by the site, drawing admiration for its compact design and efficient performance.

Operating Three Kilns 

At the workshop site, participants witnessed the impressive sight of three kilns operating. This demonstration highlighted the efficiency and capability of the K-T-T kilns. 

Achieving the Perfect Burn

The K-T-T STRETCH Deep Cone Kiln

One of the day’s highlights was observing the perfect burn in the K-T-T STRETCH Deep Cone Kiln. This kiln’s unique design ensures even heat distribution, which is crucial for producing high-quality biochar. Attendees were fascinated by the kiln’s ability to maintain a consistent firing atmosphere.

Starting the Fire on the Burn Floor

Another captivating moment was the process of starting the fire on the burn floor of the K-T-T STRETCH Kiln. Participants gathered around to watch as the kiln was carefully ignited, setting the stage for a successful biochar production session.

Hands-On Experience with Biochar Production

Perfect Burn in the K-T-T STANDARD Kiln

The K-T-T STANDARD Kiln was also in action, demonstrating the perfect burn of dry feedstock. Attendees were able to observe the entire process, from the initial ignition to the formation of high-quality biochar. This hands-on experience provided valuable insights into the intricacies of biochar production.

Community and Learning

Frank’s Explanation

Frank, our knowledgeable expert, provided an in-depth explanation of the K-T-T COMPACT Kiln. Standing in front of the kiln, he detailed its features, benefits, and operational techniques, engaging the audience with his expertise and enthusiasm.

Kiln Demonstrations and BBQ

As the workshop progressed, two K-T-T COMPACT Kilns were showcased. One was in operation with the heat and wind shield attached, while the other was on display with the shield by its side. The operational kiln was used to start a fire, which later transitioned into a BBQ setup. Removing the heat and wind shield, we transformed the kiln into a perfect cooking station for our lunch.

A Culinary Delight: Garden-to-Table Lunch

BBQ by the K-T-T COMPACT Kiln

Our BBQ master chef, Roy, took charge of the cooking, using the perfect heat generated by the K-T-T COMPACT Kiln. The aroma of sausages, rissoles, and onions filled the air, promising a delicious meal.

Lunch from the Garden

Lunch was a true garden-to-table experience, with all food grown from our garden. The fresh produce added a special touch to the meal, enhancing the sense of community and sustainability that defined the day.

Mingling and Enjoying

As everyone gathered for lunch, participants mingled, shared their experiences, and enjoyed the delicious food on such a beautiful day. It was a perfect conclusion to a day of learning, innovation, and community bonding.


The Biochar Workshop in Hillwood was a resounding success, thanks to the innovative K-T-T kilns, the expertise of our instructors, and the enthusiastic participation of the community. The day was a wonderful blend of education and enjoyment, leaving everyone inspired and eager to apply their newfound knowledge. We look forward to more such events that bring us together to learn, grow, and celebrate the joys of sustainable living