
Terra Preta demonstrations at Deloraine Craft Fair 2018

2018 was the first year Terra Preta have attended the Deloraine Craft Fair, held from 2nd to the 5th of November 2018. Frank conducted demonstrations at the Showground Ring Garden Section over the 4 days, despite the bad weather. As feedstock Frank carted vineyard prunings and small branches from neighbouring

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Coffee & Biochar White Paper Now Available

BIOCHAR BENEFITS FOR MORE SUSTAINABLE COFFEE Biochar, at its most basic, is carbonized organic material. It can be produced using a wide variety of low- to high-tech thermochemical conversion technologies, and from a wide variety of feedstocks. Although most often biochar is intended for direct use in soils as a

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The IPCC starts to acknowledge biochar

From the Biochar Journal: The prospects of climate change are so increasingly dire that there are times when it may seem inappropriate to celebrate a promising scientific advance or any other good news. Good news, however, is exactly what humanity needs at moments like this. And to produce good news,

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Biochar Study Tour: Update 3 – Radio Interview on ABC

Frank was interviewed on ABC radio interview this week on the Tasmanian Country Hour, about the opportunities for Tasmania following the IBI excursion to Kaindorf Austria You can listen to the interview at the TAS Country Hour website NOTE: The interview starts @ 19:48 min, after the “Canola for Jet fuel”.  

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Biochar Study Tour: Update 2

Adam O’Toole in Kaindorf Austria: Carbo Fertil Project: Biochar’s Potential to Help Meet Norway’s GHG Reduction Goals One more of a series of great value presentations during the IBI2018 Excursion to Kaindorf, Austria in June. This was the presentation after Dominik Dunst’s CharLine Feedchar introduction and discussion. Carbo Fertil Project

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Biochar Study Tour: Update 1

As part of the International Biochar Initiative’s IBI2018  excursion, we visited the Ökoregion Kaindorf in Austria with a great group of people from 15 countries. There is a unique opportunity to create a formal partnership and information exchange with the Ecoregion Kaindorf and benefitting from their existing and expanding network with other bioregions.So far I

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Eliminating antibiotic use in farming by using biochar

Kathleen Draper says: “I was recently in Austria, where I toured a large poultry farm that uses biochar in their feeds. The animals love it, the producers are able to eliminate antibiotic use, and the odour of the litter has been significantly decreased.” This article originated from: Can charcoal close the

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AGFEST 2018: Interview with Frank

Check out the live stream from Agfest Frank, talking about the history of charcoal in nature, and how charcoal can be used as a sponge, a carrier mop, food additive and tool for many different applications. Frank explains the origin of the term biochar, explaining that Bios in Greek means Life.

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Frank Strie on ABC Life Stories

Frank was recently filmed for My Back Road on ABC Open – He was interviewed about coming to Tasmania, leaving a destructive industry, raising a family on the land, using natural methods and upcycling waste materials. You can check out the interview and write up at or you can watch

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IBI Biochar Study Tour – an Overview

TOUR INFO & UPDATES Ecoregion Kaindorf While biochar is a key focus of our tour, there are other methods available for building soil carbon. The ecoregion Kaindorf, a collaboration of 6 communities in Austria, has spent the last 11 years proving that farmers, given sufficient market incentives, can quickly rebuild

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Austrian International Biochar Study Tour 2018

Frank will be participating in the IBI Biochar Study Tour in June 2018.  This is a 3 and a half day event held in Austria and will cover Pyreg Technology, creating Terra Preta, using biochar in livestock and feeding, and much, much more. This study tour is being organised by

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